Collects metal loss and temperature information at corrosion monitoring locations.
Ruggedly designed flush probe ideal for bottom-of-the-line applications and pigged lines.
Designed for use with ER corrosion probes for safe installation and operation in various environments.
All welded corrosion probe element provides metal loss measurements in aggressive organic or inorganic fluids.
Flanged high-integrity corrosion probe designed for use in severe or toxic duty service.
Rugged underground probe ideal for corrosion monitoring of construction site environments.
Collect samples of bacteria in oil and gas systems under high pressure without shutdown.
Installed and retrieved under high pressures without the need to shutdown.
An effective method of detecting hydrogen permeation of steel.
Suited for laboratory testing or light duty plant operations in a bypass rack where removal under system pressure is not required.
Rugged construction ideal for plant use in a bypass rack where removal under pressure is not required.
Measures corrosion in aqueous systems and provides data to control inhibitor addition for optimum economy and corrosion protection.
Determines the corrosive properties of potable, process, and cooling water in industrial water treatment systems.
Used with LPR Probes based on pressure, temperature, etc. to ensure safe operations.
Designed specifically to detect sand erosion at speeds approaching real-time.
Advanced thermal performance and reliable operation in all environments.
Designed for more aggressive environments and provides flexibility and economy with replaceable probe inserts.
Designed for particularly severe or toxic duty service where fixed thread probes are not permitted by plant or other regulations.
Flush corrosion probe measures corrosion rate at the surface so lines may be pigged without moving the probes.
Direct mounting into plant pipework or vessels and may be inserted or removed while under system pressure.
Allows access to existing 3/4" sample valves and provides flexibility and economy with replaceable probe inserts.
Rugged designed with a more durable connector ideal for bottom-of-the-line applications and pigged lines.
Durable construction ideal for high pressure and temperature in aggressive environments.
Simple and robust means of detecting significant erosion in high-velocity flow lines.